August 06th, 1953
Passed Away
November 26th, 1998
Political leader
Jashumatiben Korat
जैसे मनुष्य पुराने वस्त्रों को त्यागकर दूसरे नए वस्त्रों को ग्रहण करता है, वैसे ही जीवात्मा पुराने शरीरों को त्यागकर दूसरे नए शरीरों को प्राप्त होता है Just as a man giving up old worn out garments accepts other new apparels, in the same way the embodied soul giving up old and worn out bodies verily accepts new bodies.
Shradhanjali By
Prashant Korat & Family
Biography of Shri Savjibhai Korat

He was born into a farmer’s family in an Indian village near Jetpur.
He was an inborn leader; since childhood he had the characteristics of leadership. In college days he started his journey towards politics, and he became the GS of P. D. Malaviya College, Rajkot. In the short span since he became a M.L.A. from Jetpur – 21 Constituency for the first time and continued repeating the same in the elections of 1995, he became the state minister for Road and Building and panchayat. He worked under the honorable CM Shri Keshubhai Patel and Sureshbhai Mehta in that short span of 1995-1997. Again he was elected as a Member of the Legislative assembly from the same constituency for the third time. This time he got placed in the Cabinet Ministry and was given the portfolio of Road and Building. In a very short time with his dashing personality he worked for the government and did a lot of work in the early days of the government. His way of working was recognized all over the state. He was very energetic and known for his work against corrupted people. He was prominent for frequent raids in government offices, circuit houses, and construction site under direct or indirect control of the government.
Shri Savjibhai Korat was born to a farmer’s family in the Indian village of the tehsil Jetpur of Gujarat.
in the childhood itself he displayed the leadership qualities which suggested that in time to come he will become a famous and popular leader. Being elected in college as general secretary of P D Malaviya college of Rajkot was one of the many laurels Shri Korat had. In no time he became MLA from Jetpur – 21 constituency fot the first time and kept on winning for three terms. he became the state minister for Road and Building and panchayat. He worked under the leadership of Shri Keshubhai Patel and Sureshbhai Mehta in that short span of 1995-1997. After winning for the 3rd time he got placed in the Cabinet Ministry and was given the portfolio of Road and Building. One of the many virtues of Korat was to fight against corruption, during his span he tried his level best to get rid of corruption as much as he could and due to this vary reason he was amongst the very famous and popular leader across Saurashtra.
In his fond memorial many of the landmarks are named after his name. some of them are as below.
· Shri Savjibhai Korat Bridge (Varacha, Surat)
· Shri Savjibhai Korat Marg (Jetpur, Rajkot)
· Shri Savjibhai Korat Municipal Market (Jetpur, Rajkot)
· Statue of Shri Savjibhai Korat (Jetpur, Rajkot)
· Welcome Gate Shri Savjibhai Korat (Juni Sankli, Jetpur, Rajkot)
· Savjibhai Korat Bus Depot, Jetpur (Jetpur, Rajkot)
· Takshashila College of Engineering and Technology (Savjibhai Korat Educational Trust) (Rajkot)
· Shri Savjibhai Korat Hospital, (Jetpur, Rajkot)
Shri Savjibhai korat passed away at a young age of 44, The state government also announced three-day state mourning.
Family Tree of Shri Savjibhai Korat

Jashumatiben Korat

Dr. Bindeswari Korat

Prashant Savjibhai Korat

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